
Shpella e Pëllumbasit

Pëllumbas Cave, situated near the village of Pellumbas, is renowned for its archaeological significance. It contains evidence of prehistoric human habitation, with artifacts dating back thousands of years. The cave’s interior features impressive stalactites and stalagmites.

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Shpella e Peshkopisë

Located near the town of Peshkopi, Peshkopi Cave is characterized by its spacious chambers and intricate rock formations. It offers a captivating exploration experience, with sections adorned by unique geological features, making it a popular destination for spelunking enthusiasts.

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Shpella e Drenovës

Drenova Cave, situated in the Drenova Mountain, is recognized for its rich biodiversity and unique rock formations. The cave’s chambers house various species of bats, contributing to its ecological importance. Visitors can marvel at the cave’s natural beauty and learn about its environmental significance.

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Shpella e Trenit

Treni Cave, nestled in the Treni Mountain, is celebrated for its extensive passages and chambers adorned with stalactites and stalagmites. The cave’s geological formations create a captivating environment for visitors, making it a popular destination for both casual tourists and experienced cavers.

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